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The annual assembly of L&T health insurance fund will be held on Monday, April 22, 2024, starting at 15:00, using the Teams connection.

The assembly deals with the matters mentioned in § 33 of the cash register rules that belong to the annual assembly:

  • the financial statements and auditor´s report are presented;
  • it is decided to approve the previous year's financial statements;
  • decide on covering the deficit;
    •  the fund's board of directors proposes that the fiscal year's deficit of €258,911.81 be covered from the operating fund in accordance with § 26 of the fund's rules.
  • it is decided to grant discharge of liability to the members of the board of directors and the CEO;
  • determine the fees of the chairman of the board and other members and the auditor;
  • an auditor and the necessary deputy auditor are selected;

According to § 33 of the fund rules, the actual general assembly elects the necessary members and alternate members to replace the retiring board members and alternate members. The term of office of a board member is 2 years. The current board was elected at the spring 2023 assembly, and no one has resigned from the board, so no new members will be elected at this assembly.

Participants are asked to register in advance for the assembly on April 18, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. by e-mail to The e-mail address to which the invitation link of the remote assembly will be sent must be specified in the pre-registration. The list of participants will be confirmed at 15:00 at the beginning of the assembly, so please be there right at the beginning of the assembly.

The insured person exercises his right at the treasury assembly in person or through a representative. Only another person who is insured at the fund and has the right to represent a maximum of 1 insured can act as an agent. A dated and individualized power of attorney should be sent to the cashier's office in connection with pre-registration to the address

Insureds who have pre-registered for the assembly will be sent an invitation link for the Teams assembly by email on Friday, April 19, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. The invitation link is personal and each remote participant must have their own connection.

The assembly will be recorded for review of the minutes.

The financial statement documents can be seen in their entirety for a week before the cashier's assembly at the cashier's office.

Helsinki on March 18, 2024


For more information, contact Leena Anttila on 010 636 2715.