L&T Sairauskassa
Claiming compensation
Check the member benefits to determine if your application is eligible for compensation.
Additional benefits according to the fund's rules must be applied for in writing.
More detailed information on applying for benefits, conditions, and amounts according to the Health Insurance Act can be found on Kela's website. These fund members apply for additional benefits from L&T Sickness Fund in the same way.
Mail the compensation application and necessary attachments to:
L&T Sickness Fund
Valimotie 27
00380 Helsinki
Compensation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Compensation for MRI requires prior authorization from the sickness fund. The authorization must be obtained before the examination. Once authorization is granted, and with a physician's referral from occupational health care, the examination can be performed free of charge at Mehiläinen by presenting the Kela card with the fund's number 48017.
Compensation for Special Procedures
Based on Section 14 a of L&T Sickness Fund's rules, costs incurred for procedures performed to prevent disability and improve work and earning capacity can be compensated either in full or in part if the board deems it reasonable in individual cases. The member must submit a separate application to the sickness fund, attaching a B-doctor's statement or equivalent obtained from occupational health care. The statement must indicate the necessity of the procedure and provide a cost estimate. Additionally, the board requires endorsement from the fund's expert physician in support of the application.
Compensation for special procedures cannot be applied for retroactively; the application must be submitted to the sickness fund well in advance of the planned procedure.
The procedure application, along with its attachments, should be submitted to the sickness fund. More detailed instructions and application forms can also be obtained from the sickness fund's staff.
Please note
Membership begins six months after the start of the employment relationship.
See also
The procedure application
Application for compensation