L&T Sairauskassa
Insurance Relationship:
All new employees working full-time at L&T are insured by the sickness fund if the conditions mentioned in the fund's regulations are met, meaning they fall within the scope of the fund's operations.
If the terms of employment change during employment and it affects insurance coverage, the individual can contact the fund directly.
Scope of Operations:
Individuals who receive their main livelihood from one of the following companies are eligible to be insured by the fund:
- Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj
- L&T Siivous Oy
- L&T Kiinteistöhuolto Oy
- L&T Kiinteistötekniikka Oy
- L&T Ympäristöpalvelut Oy
- L&T Teollisuuspalvelut Oy
- L&T-sairauskassa
Employees who join the L&T Group through corporate acquisitions do not automatically become part of the fund's scope of operations if their employer is different from those listed above. Such a situation always requires a change in the fund's regulations.
An individual who is a member of another sickness fund cannot be a member of L&T-sairauskassa.
The insurance relationship requires that the weekly working hours are at least 20 hours.
An individual with a temporary or short-term employment contract cannot join the fund. Approximately six months can be considered the limit for short-term employment.
It is important to note that temporary and short-term employment does not have the same meaning as fixed-term employment. If a person has a long fixed-term employment contract and meets the condition of full-time employment, they must join the sickness fund.
If there are multiple consecutive short-term employment contracts, the individual can contact the fund directly to inquire about when they fall within the scope of the fund's operations.
Commencement of Insurance Relationship:
Newly insured members receive an information package via email sent to the email address provided by the employer.
If there is uncertainty about meeting the conditions, further information can be obtained from the fund.
Kela Card:
The member of the fund verifies their insurance relationship with L&T-sairauskassa by presenting their Kela card, which has the inscription "työpaikkakassa arbetsplatskassa 48017" (workplace fund) on the back.
The fund's Kela card is sent by mail to the member's home during the beginning of the month when the insurance responsibility is transferred from Kela to L&T-sairauskassa.
The fund's insurance responsibility always begins at the start of the month. After this, the sickness fund processes and determines the benefits according to the Sickness Insurance Act (SVL), essentially acting as a local Kela office for its insured members.
A Kela card cannot be ordered if an individual insured by the fund is not covered by the Finnish social security system.
The fund does not issue a separate membership card.
Termination of Insurance Relationship:
The insurance relationship ends when the employment contract ends. The insurance relationship is also considered terminated if the requirement of main livelihood is not fulfilled.
After the termination of the insurance relationship, the individual no longer has the right to the additional benefits provided by the fund.
However, the transfer of insurance responsibility from L&T-sairauskassa to Kela occurs at the end of the month.
Start of membership
Membership will not begin until 6 months after the start of the employment relationship.