L&T Sairauskassa
What is L&T-Sairauskassa?
- L&T-Sairauskassa is a separate company established by L&T (a company) together with its employees, and its operations are supported by L&T.
- It engages in social personal insurance activities.
- It functions as an occupational health fund, meaning it reimburses all daily allowances and benefits according to the sickness insurance law to those insured in the fund, which would otherwise be covered by Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland).
- It secures the future of every individual insured in the fund in the event of illness or accident.
- The additional benefits paid by the fund are provided on top of the general Kela reimbursement. Essentially, this means that the insured person receives additional compensation for services that are not covered by normal occupational healthcare.

The key laws, supervision, and appeals governing the operations are as follows:
- The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) granted L&T-Sairauskassa permission to operate as an occupational health fund starting from January 1, 2008. Kela also supervises the activities in accordance with the Sickness Insurance Act (SVL).
- Instructions for appealing a decision made under the sickness insurance law are provided as an attachment to the decision.
- L&T-Sairauskassa was registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority on September 26, 2007. The Financial Supervisory Authority oversees the operations in accordance with the Insurance Funds Act (VKL) and approves the fund's regulations and any changes to them.
- Appeals regarding additional benefit decisions can be made to the Insurance and Financial Advisory Service at Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki, phone: (09) 6850 120, website: www.fine.fi.
Funding of operations:
- The fund partially finances its operations through insurance premiums paid by the insured individuals, which amount to 0.54% of the insured person's wage subject to advance collection. The employer collects the insurance premium during payroll and forwards it to the sickness fund. In 2025, the insurance premium ranges from a minimum of €11,70 to a maximum of €28,16 per month. If the financial situation of the fund requires it, the fund's board can increase or decrease the insurance premiums and the minimum and maximum amounts adjusted by a wage coefficient by up to 30%.
- The employer who is a partner in the fund pays a partner's insurance premium. The amount of the partner's insurance premium is the same as the insurance premium paid by the insured individual.
- The fund receives funds from Kela for benefits according to the Sickness Insurance Act. Kela also reimburses part of the administrative expenses incurred by the fund.